2021年3月6日 14:35 发表于

我是Paulina,我来自南美,我想告诉我一个故事,我是如何与“公司”在TINDER中相识的“中国男孩”的骗子Jinlong(https://www.jinltech.com/en/)以及交易平台MT4。 (https://www.metatrader4.com/cn)2021年1月11日,我在Tinder Overseas遇到了一个人,据说他是中国人,和叔叔一起住在波士顿。我寻找有关平台的信息,但没有发现“奇怪”的情况,因此我开始通过Binance汇款。首先是低至300美元,然后我存入了12,000多美元。杰,他每天都会告诉我交易的确切时间,“获利”高达1900美元。一切进展顺利,直到每天承受压力中国男人强迫我存越来越多的钱实在让人难以忍受。所以我决定联系Jinlong客户服务部从我的3个帐户中提取资金...这一切都破灭了。我做了他们告诉我的所有事情,他们告诉我他们需要1-5个工作日。我告诉他们我不接受,因为当我转账时,一切都在几分钟之内。他们告诉我,如果我希望更快地完成该过程,我可以再次支付更多的钱,因此这一次我开始变得非常可疑,并再次在互联网上提问,然后我找到了此页面:https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/community / threads / scammed by-Jinlong -zhihui-information-technology-limited.68204 / page-13
im Paulina I’m from South America and I want to tell my story how I was scammer from a “China Boy” that I met in TINDER with the “Company” JinLong (https://www.jinltech.com/en/) and with the trading platform MT4. (https://www.metatrader4.com/en)On January 11th, 2021, I met a guy in Tinder Overseas, supposedly he is a Chinese man, who lives in Boston with his Uncle. I looked for information about the platforms and nothing "strange" came out, so I started sending money through Binance. First as little as $ 300, but then I deposit more than $ 12,000.Jie, every day he would tell me the exact time to trade, "taking profit" of up to $ 1,900.Everything was going well, until every day the pressure that the Chinese man put on me to deposit more and more money was unbearable. So I decided to contact JinLong customer service to get the money out of my 3 accounts ... this is where it all fell apart.I did everything they told me to do and they told me they would take between 1 to 5 business days. I told them that I did not accept it, because when I transferred money it was all in a matter of minutes. They told me that if I wanted the process faster, I could pay more money again, so this time I began to be very suspicious