2021年2月19日 15:06 发表于

我在这个平台上的经历很不公平,我没有出现故障就成功注册,成功存了钱,但是在提款时,我开始面临各种问题。起初,我被告知要存入更多的存款,然后才能处理我的钱,但我没有结果,后来我被告知我没有资格提款。这使我在某些网站上曝光他们,他们被迫先退还我的初始存款,然后再退还给我的帐户的利润。AF index limited是我所见过的最不诚实的金融公司之一,我希望他们的伎俩能完全暴露出来。
Account Manipulation!
My experience with this platform hasn't been fair, I registered successfully with no glitch, made deposit successfully but when it came to withdrawal, I began to face different problems. At first, i was told to make more deposit before my money could be processed, which I did but to no avail, i was later told that i wasn't eligible for withdrawal. This made me open a scam case with financialrecovery.tech and they were forced to refund my initial deposit first and then the profit that was accrued to my account. AF index limited is one of the most dishonest Financial companies I have ever come across and i hope their tactics are completely exposed.