Albrenn Malinao
2021年2月17日 12:52 发表于

充值透支额后,我无法提款。我结清了5000美元的充值,以便我可以提取金额和我的利润,现在他们在这样说(见图)。他们要求我在Metatrader 5中支付我帐户余额的70%的保险押金,因为根据他们的规定,当我要求提取5000美元时,我被举报了。现在我迷路了,不知道我是否还能拿到钱。我试图通过聊天支持与他们联系,但没有联系。
Unable to Withdraw from MT5
I am unable to withdraw money after recharge of the overdraft limit. I settled the recharge of 5000 USD so that I can withdraw the amount and my profit and now they are saying this (see picture). They are asking me to settle an insurance deposit of 70% of my account balance in Metatrader 5 because I was flagged when I requested to withdraw 5000 USD due to their regulations. Now I’m lost and don’t know if I can still get my money. I tried to contact them through chat support but nothing.