2020年12月14日 17:09 发表于

我在这个骗局平台上丢失了R10800.07。他们说我可以从投资中赚回X4。然后他们显示我赚了R150k。我必须支付R3000的交易费才能收到我的收入。然后他们说我必须用500美元为我的Blockchain钱包注资,这样我的资金才能反映在我的帐户中,但是在此之前,“高级客户经理” Richard先生说他必须将我的钱包附加到我的交易账户中。在他“做到这一点”之后,我更改了我的钱包密码,激活了2FA,甚至更改了我的电子邮件密码。当我这样做时,他们从我的钱包中偷走了我的资金,然后他们说我必须支付3k美元,因为由于比特币价格的上涨,我以某种方式只赚了2万美元,因为当时的比特币几乎下跌了, $ 2k。不要相信这个平台或运行它的人。我希望有一种方法可以收回我的资金,因为现在我一无所有。我拥有在WhatsApp上与他们进行通信的所有证据,并将在下面分享一些快照。 https://www.forexcryptotraders.com是一个SCAM。远离他们。
forexcryptotraders.com is a SCAM!!!
I lost R10800.07 with this scam platform. They said I can earn X4 back on my investment. Then they show that I earned R150k. I had to pay R3000 for transaction fee to receive my earnings which I did. Then they said I must fund my Blockchain wallet with $500 so that my funds reflect in my account, but before that the "senior account manager" Mr Richard said he has to attach my wallet to my trading account. After he "did that" I changed my wallet password, activated 2FA and even changed my email password. When I did that they stole my funds out of my wallet and then they said I have to pay $3k because somehow I just earned $20k due to the increase of the price of Bitcoin which was totally false as Bitcoin at the time was down almost $2k. Do not trust this platform or the people running it.
I wish there was a way I could get my funds back as I have nothing left now. I have all the evidence of communications with them on WhatsApp and will share some snapshots below.
https://www.forexcryptotraders.com is a SCAM. Stay away from them.