2020年10月24日 14:34 发表于

二进制iq选项Thobela Themba
他希望我给他接近R15200进行交易,说我能在2020年10月23日得到我的钱,我从10月19日开始发送R4000.00,然后星期四22说我应该充值到R11 200。在星期五可以出金,但星期五什么都没收到,现在他说我应该出R5000作为提款费用,他说他是商人。请帮我找回我的钱。
binary iq option Thobela Themba
He wanted i send him close to R15200 to trade for me and that i will get my money 23 October 2020, i started on the 19 October to send R4000.00 and then Thursday 22 said i should top-up with R11 200. afterwards i will withdraw on friday, but on friday didnt get anything, now he say I should send R5000 for cost of withdrawal, he say he is a trader. Please help me to recover my money back.