2020年8月22日 01:24 发表于

小心2投资并Oinvest我是通过Skrill存入资金的,在打开第一个操作后,我看到他们操纵了市场,我花了超过一秒钟的时间才打开对服务器的ping操作为3ms的操作。然后,我向LUIZ RIB发送了一封电子邮件,警告他市场上的这种操纵是严重的。他们使用插件,操纵价格和操作。我很快要求我提款,他们拒绝了,并向我发送了一封银行提款请求,要求提现通过SKRILL进行的资金。 ,在提款政策以及网站和反洗钱政策中,资金倾向于以相同的存款方式退还。欺诈性经纪人试图利用客户。除了有些专业。我一再告知由于个人原因,我无法接听电话(我刚刚做了一次我无法谈论的手术),并继续坚持拨打电话。这是我一生中见过的最糟糕的经纪人。在FSA的监管下,我已经将所有文件和证据发送给了监管机构,现在冒着失去监管的风险,面临500美元的巨额罚款?真的,2投资/ Oinvest如果我没有通过Skrill归还我的保证金,我将不得不上法庭。
BE CAREFUL WITH 2INVEST AND OINVEST, THE BIGEST SCAMMERS.I made a deposit via Skrill, after opening the first operation I could see that they manipulate the market, it takes more than a second to open an operation where my ping to the server was 3ms. I then sent an email to LUIZ RIB where I warned him that this manipulation in the market was serious. They use plugins, manipulate prices and operations.Soon I asked for my withdrawal, where they denied and sent me a request for a bank letter to withdraw the funds that were made via SKRILL.In my view, this is money laundering, where when withdrawing, in the withdrawal policy, as well as on the website and the AML policy, the funds tend to be returned to the same deposit method.A fraudulent broker who tries to take advantage of customers. Besides being somewhat professional. Where I repeatedly informed that for personal reasons I could not answer calls (I have just had a surgery that I cannot speak about) and continue to insist on a call.Worst broker I've ever seen in my life. Regulated by the FSA, I have already sent all documents and evidence to the regulator.Now, taking the risk of losing the regulation, getting a very large fine, for 500 $? Really, 2Invest/Oinvest if I don't return my deposit via Skrill for good, I will have to go to court.