2020年5月19日 21:45 发表于

我的账户在MT4网络崩溃期间被强制买入GBPJPY,但是19号网络恢复后,显示在15号下午一点半在130.671买入121手。 特瑞 能够看到当时的交易,可我今天才打开报价。我的实际交易是在今天(5月19日)以6.32起的价格以50 50 10 10和1的出价进行的。
manipulated and a backdated entry was done
my account was somehow manipulated to have a buy limit of GBPJPY during MT4 network breakdown but appeared as sell position dated 15/5/2020 at 13.30 for 121 bids at a price of 130.671 after network corrected today 19/5/2020.alphatradex was able to backdate MT4 it appears as buy limit position of 121 bids at 130.671 as screenshot taken.
I only opened GBPJPY today into the quotes. My real transaction was done in bids of 50 50 10 10 and 1 at various prices today at 6.32 onwards on 19/5/2020.